Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I had forgotten...

...what it felt like to be exhausted. Then I woke up yesterday morning and remembered.

Is it possible to live an eternal summer? If not, then I've only got one month before I wake up remembering every morning. It's time to play.

fancy pant's birthday. yeah, i know hannah blogged about it already.

super big moth/butterfly/unknown winged creature. for realz, yo.

man, i'm hungry.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Yesterday, I learned how to spell solder. Today, I took pictures of it. Weird, huh?

Too tilted to publish, but I like it. Funky business.

Awesome to watch the melting. So pretty.

Monday, July 07, 2008


If someone held a gun to my head and told me to define myself, I'd pull out this picture.

Seriously? Sneaks AND maps? WITH MY NAME?!

On a side note, if I had $89, I would simply stick my foot out to said gunman since I would obviously be sporting my kicks. But I don't have $89. Rats.